Genetic Code Laboratory
Doshisha University
Graduate School of Life & Medical Sciences
医心館 IN341S - 345S
Tel : 0774-65-6273(教授室)
Fax: 0774-65-6274
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おもな被引用回数 (Scopus. Mar. 28, 2016)
Hatanaka A, Nakada S, Matsumoto G, Satoh K, Aketa I, Watanabe A, Hirakawa T, Tsujita T, Waku T, Kobayashi A. (2023) The transcription factor NRF1 (NFE2L1) activates aggrephagy by inducing p62 and GABARAPL1 after proteasome inhibition to maintain proteostasis. Scientifc Reports. 13, 14405. Pubmed
Hirose S, Waku T, Tani M, Masuda H, Endo K, Ashitani S, Aketa I, Kitano H, Nakada S, Wada A, Hatanaka A, Osawa T, Soga T, Kobayashi A. (2023) NRF3 activates mTORC1 arginine-dependently for cancer cell viability. iScience. 26, 106045. Pubmed
Waku T, Nakada S, Masuda H, Sumi H, Wada A, Hirose S, Aketa I, Kobayashi A. (2023) The CNC-family transcription factor Nrf3 coordinates the melanogenesis cascade through macropinocytosis and autophagy regulation. Cell Rep. 42, 111906. Pubmed
Waku T, Iwami T, Masuda H, Hirose S, Aketa I, Kobayashi A. (2023) Nrf3 Functions Reversely as a Tumorigenic to an Antitumorigenic Transcription Factor in Obese Mice. Tohoku J Exp Med. 259, 1-8. Pubmed
Waku T, Kobayashi A. (2021) Pathophysiological Potentials of NRF3-Regulated Transcriptional Axes in Protein and Lipid Homeostasis. Int J Mol Sci 22, 12686. (招待総説) Pubmed
Waku T, Hagiwara T, Tamura N, Atsumi Y, Urano Y, Suzuki M, Iwami T, Sato K, Yamamoto M, Noguchi N, Kobayashi A. (2021) NRF3 up-regulates gene expression in SREBP2-dependent mevalonate pathway with cholesterol uptake and lipogenesis inhibition. iScience. 24, 103180. Pubmed
Kobayashi, A. (2020) Roles of NRF3 in the hallmarks of cancer: proteasomal inactivation of tumor suppressors. Cancers 12, 2681. (招待総説) Pubmed
Waku, T., Katayama, H., Hiraoka, M., Hatanaka, A., Nakamura, N., Tanaka, Y., Tamura, N., Watanabe, A., and Kobayashi, A. (2020) NFE2L1 and NFE2L3 complementarily maintain basal proteasome activity in cancer cells through CPEB3-mediated translational repression. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10.1128/MCB.00010-20
転写因子NRF3がホモローグであるNRF1を翻訳抑制し構成的なプロテアソーム活性を制御することを発見しました。 和久助教、大学院生 片山寛之君の成果です。 Pubmed
Waku T, Nakamura N, Koji M, Watanabe H, Katoh H, Tatsumi C, Tamura N, Hatanaka A, Hirose S, Katayama H, Tani M, Kubo Y, Hamazaki J, Hamakubo T, Watanabe A, Murata S, Kobayashi A. (2020) NRF3-POMP-20S proteasome assembly axis promotes cancer development via ubiquitin-independent proteolysis of p53 and Rb. Mol Cell Biol. doi:10.1128/MCB.00597-19
和久助教による転写因子NRF3 (NFE2L3)の新たな発がん機構の発見です。Pubmed
Akira Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Waku. (2020) New addiction to the NRF2‐related factor NRF3 in cancer cells: Ubiquitin‐independent proteolysis through the 20S proteasome. Cancer Science. 111, 6-14.
私達が世界に先駆けて発見した転写因子NRF3 (NFE2L3)とがんに関する最近の研究成果をまとめました (招待総説)。
これまで生理機能が未知であったNRF3はプロテアソームを介してガン悪性化をもたらします。 Pubmed
Shiori Aono*, Ayari Hatanaka*, Atsushi Hatanaka, Yue Gao, Yoshitaka, Hippo, Makoto Mark Taketo, Tsuyoshi Waku, Akira Kobayashi. (2019) β-catenin/TCF4 complex-mediated induction of the NRF3 (NFE2L3) gene in cancer cells. Int J Mol Sci 20, 3344.(*:Equal contribution)
大腸がんにおいて転写因子NRF3が誘導されるメカニズムを解明しました。大学院生 青野栞さんと畑中彩里さんの
研究です。畠中惇至君と高 越さんも協力しました。Pubmed
Sekine H, Okazaki K, Kato K, Alam MM, Shima H, Katsuoka F, Tsujita T, Suzuki N, Kobayashi A, Igarashi K, Yamamoto M, Motohashi H. (2018) O-GlcNAcylation Signal Mediates Proteasome Inhibitor Resistance in Cancer Cells by Stabilizing NRF1. Mol Cell Biol. 38, e00252-18.
東北大学 本橋先生との共同研究です。Pubmed
Chowdhury, AM. M. A., Katoh, H., Hatanaka, A., Iwanari, H., Nakamura, N., Hamakubo, T., Natsume, T., Waku, T., Kobayashi, A. (2017) Multiple regulatory mechanisms of the biological function of NRF3 (NFE2L3) control cancer cell proliferation. Sci. Rep. 7, 12494.
博士課程後期 Chowdhury君の論文です。Pubmed
Ito Y. Tsukagoshi K, Kobayashi A (2017) Denaturation of DNA in ternary mixed solution of water/hydrophilic/hydrophobic organic solvent. J Anal Sci, Method Instrum. 7, 40-46.
理工学部 塚越先生との共同研究です。
Yamagata K, and Kobayashi A. (2017) The cysteine-rich domain of TET2 binds preferentially to mono- and dimethylated histone H3K36. J Biochem. 161, 327-330.
Taniguchi, H., Okamuro, S., Kohji, M., Waku, T., Kubo, K., Hatanaka, A., Sun, Y., A M Chowdhury, AM A., Fukamizu, A., Kobayashi, A. (2017) Possible roles of the transcription factor Nrf1 (NFE2L1) in neural homeostasis by regulating the gene expression of deubiquitinating enzymes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 484, 176-183. Pubmed
Fukagai, K., Waku, T., Chowdhury, AM., Kubo, K., Matsumoto, M., Kato, H., Natsume, T., Tsuruta, F., Chiba, T., Taniguchi, H., Kobayashi, A. (2016) USP15 stabilizes the transcription factor Nrf1 in the nucleus, promoting the proteasome gene expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 478, 363-370.
大学院生 深谷恒介君の研究。脱ユビキチン化酵素Usp15による転写因子Nrf1のタンパク質安定化機構を発見しました。Pubmed
Waku, T., Nakajima, Y., Yokoyama, W., Nomura, N., Kako, K., Kobayashi, A., Shimizu, T., Fukamizu, A. (2016) NML-mediated rRNA base methylation links ribosomal subunit formation to cell proliferation in a p53-dependent manner. J Cell Sci. 129, 2382-2893.
Karim, MR., Taniguchi, H., Kobayashi, A. (2015) Constitutive activation of Drosophila CncC transcription factor reduces lipid formation in the fat body. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 463, 693-698. Pubmed
Ito, T., Taniguchi, H., Fukagai, K., Okamuro, S. and Kobayashi, A. (2015) Inhibitory mechanism of FAT4 gene expression in response to actin dynamics during Src-induced carcinogenesis. PLOS ONE, 10, e0118336.
大学院生 井藤喬夫君の研究。ガン遺伝子SRCによるガン化過程において、アクチン細胞骨格のダイナミズムを介したガン抑制遺伝子 FAT4の新たな発現抑制機構を解明しました。Pubmed
Tsuchiya, Y., Taniguchi, H., Ito, Y., Morita, T., Karim, MR., Ohtake, N., Fukagai, K., Ito, T., Okamuro, S., Iemura, S., Natsume, T., Nishida, E. and Kobayashi, A. (2013) The CK2-Nrf1 axis controls the clearance of ubiquitinated proteins by regulating proteasome gene expression. Mol. Cell. Biol. 33, 3461-3472.
土谷佳樹 前助教の研究。細胞内の変性タンパク質を分解するプロテアソーム遺伝子の発現制御に関わる転写因子Nrf1
Tsuchiya, Y., Morita, T., Kim, M., Iemura, S., Natsume, T., Yamamoto, M. and Kobayashi, A.* (2011) Dual regulation of the transcriptional activity of Nrf1 by β-TrCP- and Hrd1-dependent degradation mechanisms. Mol. Cell. Biol. 31, 4500-4512.
土谷佳樹 前助教と大学院生 森田智子さんの研究。転写因子Nrf1が細胞質と核において、それぞれERADユビキチンライ
*Kobayashi, A., Tsukide, T., Miyasaka, T., Morita, T., Mizoroki, T., Saito, Y., Ihara, Y., Takashima, A., Noguchi, N., Fukamizu, A., Hirotsu, Y., Ohtsuji, M., Katsuoka, F. and *Yamamoto, M. (2011) Central nervous system-specific deletion of transcription factor Nrf1 causes progressive motor neuronal dysfunction. Genes Cells 16, 692-703.
Komatsu, M., Kurokawa, H., Waguri, S., Taguchi, K., Kobayashi, A., Ichimura, Y., Sou, Y.S., Ueno, I., Sakamoto, A., Tong, K.I., Kim, M., Nishito, Y., Iemura, S.I., Natsume, T., Ueno, T., Kominami, E., Motohashi, H., Tanaka, K. and Yamamoto, M. (2010) The selective autophagy substrate p62 activates the stress responsive transcription factor Nrf2 through inactivation of Keap1. Nature Cell Biol. 12, 213-223.
都臨床研 小松雅明博士、東北大大学院医学系研究科 山本雅之教授との共同研究。酸化ストレス応答を制御するKeap1-Nrf2
システムとオートファジーのクロストークを発見。大学院生 金さんも貢献しました(被引用回数 : 506)
Pepe, A.E., Xiao, Q., Zampetaki, A., Zhang, Z., Kobayashi, A., Hu, Y. and Xu, Q. (2010) Crucial Role of Nrf3 in Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation From Stem Cells. Circ. Res. 106, 870-879.
Kings College LondonのXu博士との共同研究
Zhang, Y., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M. and Hayes, J. D. (2009) The Nrf3 transcription factor is a membrane-bound glycoprotein targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum through its N-terminal homology box 1 sequence. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 3195-3210.
Dundee大学 Hayes博士との共同研究
Ohtsuji, M., Katsuoka, F., Kobayashi, A., Aburatani, H., Hayes, J. D. and Yamamoto, M. (2008) Nrf1 and Nrf2 Play Distinct Roles in Activation of Antioxidant Response Element-dependent Genes. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 33554-33562.
Mamiya, T., Katsuoka, F., Hirayama, A., Nakajima, O., Kobayashi, A., Maher, J.M., Matsui, H., Hyodo, I. and Yamamoto M, and Hosoya, T. (2008) Hepatocyte-specific deletion of heme oxygenase-1 disrupts redox homeostasis in Basal and oxidative environments. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 216, 331-339.
Kusano, Y., Horie, S., Shibata, T., Satsu, H., Shimizu, M., Hitomi, E., Nishida, M., Kurose, H., Itoh, K., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M. and Uchida, K. (2008) Keap1 regulates the constitutive expression of GST A1 during differentiation of Caco-2 cells. Biochemistry 47, 6169-6177.
名古屋大学 内田浩二先生との共同研究
Padmanabhan, B., Tong, KI., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M., and Yokoyama S. (2008) Structural insights into the similar modes of Nrf2 transcription factor recognition by the cytoplasmic repressor Keap1. J. Synchrotron Radiat. 15(Pt 3), 273-276.
理化学研究所 横山茂之先生との共同研究
Ohta, T., Iijima, K., Miyamoto, M., Nakahara, I., Tanaka, H., Ohtsuji, M., Suzuki, T., Kobayashi, A., Yokota, J., Sakiyama, T., Shibata, T., Yamamoto, M. and Hirohashi, S. (2008) Loss of Keap1 function activates Nrf2 and provides advantages for lung cancer cell growth. Cancer Res. 68, 1303-1309.
国立がんセンター 太田 力先生との共同研究。ヒト肺がんにおけるKEAP1遺伝子変異解析(被引用回数 : 260)
Yamamoto, T., Suzuki, T., Kobayashi, A., Wakabayashi, J., Maher, J., Motohashi, H., and Yamamoto, M. (2008) Physiological Significance of Reactive Cysteine Residues of Keap1 in Determining Nrf2 Activity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 28, 2758-2770.
Satoh, T., Kosaka, K., Itoh, K., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M., Shimojo, Y., Kitajima, C., Cui, J., Kamins, J., Okamoto, S., Izumi, M., Shirasawa, T. and Lipton, SA. (2008) Carnosic acid, a catechol-type electrophilic compound, protects neurons both in vitro and in vivo through activation of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway via S-alkylation of targeted cysteines on Keap1. J. Neurochem. 104, 1116-1131.
岩手大学 佐藤拓己先生との共同研究。カルノシン酸の神経保護作用。
Komatsu, M., Waguri, S., Koike, M., Sou, Y.-S., Ueno, T., Hara, T., Mizushima, N., Iwata, J., Ezaki, J., Murata, S., Hamazaki, J., Nishito, Y., Iemura, S., Natsume, T., Yanagawa, T., Uwayama, J., Warabi, E., Yoshida, H., Ishii, T., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M., Yue, Z., Uchiyama, Y., Kominami, E. and Tanaka, K. (2007) Homeostatic levels of p62 control cytoplasmic inclusion body formation in autophagy-deficient mice. Cell 131, 1149-1163.
都臨床研 田中啓二先生, 小松雅明先生との共同研究。Keap1-Nrf2システムによる酸化ストレス応答とオートファジーの
クロストークの発見(被引用回数 : 884)
Sawa, T., Zaki, M.H., Okamoto, T., Akuta, T., Tokutomi, Y., Kim-Mitsuyama, S., Ihara, H. Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M., Fujii, S., Arimoto, H. and Akaike, T. (2007) Protein S-guanylation by the biological signal 8-nitroguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate. Nature Chem. Biol. 11, 727-735.
熊本大学 赤池孝明先生との共同研究
Tong, K.I., Padmanabhan, B., Kobayashi, A., Shang, C., Hirotsu, H., Yokoyama, S. and Yamamoto, M. (2007) Different electrostatic potentials define ETGE and DLG motifs as hinge and latch in oxidative stress response. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21, 7511-7521.
Watai, Y., Kobayashi, A*., Nagase, H., Mizukami, M., McEvoy, J., Singer, J.D., Itoh, K., and Yamamoto, M. (2007) Subcellular Localization and Cytoplasmic Complex Status of Endogenous Keap1. Genes Cells. 12, 1163-1178.
指導学生の論文。本論文は、Genes Cells誌の表紙を飾りました
Sakurai, T., Kanayama, M., Shibata, T., Itoh, K., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M., Uchida, K. (2006) Ebselen, a seleno-organic antioxidant, as an electrophile. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 9, 1196-1204.
名古屋大学 内田浩二先生との共同研究
Tong, K. I., Kobayashi, A., Katsuoka, K. Yamamoto, M. (2006) Two-site Substrate Recognition Model for the Keap1-Nrf2 System: a Hinge and a Latch? Biol. Chem. 387, 1311-1320.
invited review
Okawa, H., Motohashi, H., Kobayashi, A., Aburatani, H., Kensler, T. W., Yamamoto, M. (2006) Hepatocyte-specific deletion of the keap1 gene activates Nrf2 and confers potent resistance. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 339, 79-88.
酸化ストレスセンサーKeap1の肝臓特異的コンディショナルノックアウトマウスの解析(被引用回数 : 186)
Padmanabhan, B., Tong, K. I., Ohta, T., Nakamura, Y., Scharlock, M., Ohtsuji, M., Kang, M. I., Kobayashi, A., Yokoyama, S., Yamamoto, M. (2006) Structural Basis for Defects of Keap1 Activity Provoked by Its Point Mutations in Lung Cancer. Mol. Cell. 21, 689-700.
理化学研究所 横山茂之先生,国立がんセンター 太田 力先生との共同研究。Keap1とNrf2の相互作用をX線結晶構造解析
で解明。さらに肺がん細胞に、恒常的にNrf2を活性化するKEAP1遺伝子変異を発見。(被引用回数 : 315)
Kobayashi, A., Kang, M. I., Watai, Y., Tong, K. I., Shibata, T., Uchida, K., Yamamoto, M. (2006) Oxidative and Electrophilic Stresses Activate Nrf2 through Inhibition of Ubiquitination Activity of Keap1. Mol. Cell Biol. 26, 221-229.
酸化ストレスによるNrf2の活性化機構の解明。(被引用回数 : 365)
Usami, H., Kusano, Y., Kumagai, T., Osada, S., Itoh, K., Kobayashi, A., Yamamoto, M., Uchida, K. (2005) Selective induction of the tumor marker glutathione s-transferase p1 by proteasome inhibitors. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 25267-25276.
名古屋大 内田浩二先生との共同研究
Padmanabhan, P., Scharlock, M., Tong, K.I., Nakamura, Y., Kang, M.I, Kobayashi, A., Matsumoto, T., Tanaka, A., Yamamoto, M., Yokoyama, S. (2005) Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the Kelch-like motif region of mouse Keap1. Acta. Cryst. F61, 153-155.
理化学研究所 横山茂之先生との共同研究
Katoh, Y., Iida, K., Kang, M. I., Kobayashi, A., Mizukami, M., Tong, K.I., McMahon, M., Hayes, J.D., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M. (2005) Evolutionary conserved N-terminal domain of Nrf2 is essential for the Keap1-mediated degradation of the protein by proteasome. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 433, 342-350.
Yamamoto, T., Yoh, K., Kobayashi, A., Ishii, Y., Kure, S., Koyama, A., Sakamoto, T., Sekizawa, K., Motohashi, H., Yamamoto, M. (2004) Identification of polymorphisms in the promoter region of the human NRF2 gene. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 321, 72-79.
Kobayashi, A., Kang, M. I., Okawa, H., Ohtsuji, M., Zenke, Y., Chiba, T., Igarashi, K., Yamamoto, M. (2004) Oxidative stress sensor keap1 functions as an adaptor for Cul3-based E3 ligase to regulate proteasomal degradation of Nrf2. Mol. Cell Biol. 24, 7130-7139.
世界に先駆けて発見(被引用回数 : 716)
Kobayashi, A., Ohta, T., Yamamoto, M. (2004) Unique function of the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway in the inducible expression of antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes. Methods Enzymol. 378, 273-286.
invited review。Nrf3ノックアウトマウスの作成と解析。
Kang, M.I., Kobayashi, A., Wakabayashi, N., Kim, S.G., Yamamoto, M. (2004) Scaffolding of Keap1 to the actin cytoskeleton controls the function of Nrf2 as key regulator of cytoprotective phase 2 genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101, 2046-2051.
指導大学院生の論文(被引用回数 : 243)
Wakabayashi, N., Dinkova-Kostova, A. T., Holtzclaw, W. D., Kang M. I., Kobayashi A., Yamamoto M., Kensler T. W., Talalay, P. (2004) Protection against electrophile and oxidant stress by induction of the phase 2 response: fate of cysteines of the Keap1 sensor modified by inducers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101, 2040-2045.
Johns Hopkins大学 Paul Talalay博士との共同研究。 Keap1が酸化ストレスセンサーとして機能するためのシステイン残基
を同定。上記の論文とBack to backの掲載(被引用回数 : 569)
Morita, M., Kobayashi, A., Yamashita, T., Shimanuki, T., Nakajima, O., Takahashi, S., Ikegami, S., Inokuchi, K., Yamashita, K., Yamamoto, M., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (2003) Functional Analysis of Basic Transcription Element Binding Protein by Gene Targeting Technology. Mol. Cell Biol. 23, 2489-2500.
Sun, J., Muto, A., Hoshino, H., Kobayashi, A., Nishimura, S., Yamamoto, M., Hayashi, N., Ito E, Igarashi K. (2001) The Promoter of Mouse Transcription Repressor bach1 Is Regulated by Sp1 and Trans-Activated by Bach1. J. Biochem. 130, 385-392.
Takahashi, S., Furuyama, K., Kobayashi, A., Taketani, S., Harigae, H., Yamamoto, M., Igarashi, K., Sasaki, T., Hayashi, N. (2000) Cloning of a Coproporphyrinogen Oxidase Promoter Regulatory Element Binding Protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 273, 596-602.
Kobayashi, A., Yamagiwa, H., Hoshino, H., Muto, A., Morita, M., Yamamoto, M., Hayashi, N., Igarashi, K. (2000) A combinatorial code for gene expression generated by transcription factor Bach2 and MAZR (MAZ-related factor) through the BTB/POZ domain. Mol. Cell Biol. 20, 1733-1746.
Hoshino, H., Kobayashi, A., Yoshida, M., Oyake, T., Motohashi, H., Yamamoto, M., Hayashi, N., Igarashi, K. (2000) Oxidative stress abolishes Crm1/Exportin1-dependent nuclear export of Maf-interacting transcription repressor Bach2. J. Biol. Chem. 275, 15370-15376.
Denver, R. J., Quellet, L., Furling, D., Kobayashi, A., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., Puymirat J. (1999) Basic transcription element-binding protein (BTEB) is a thyroid hormone-regulated gene in the developing central nervous system. Evidence for a role in neurite outgrowth. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 23128-23134.
Kobayashi, A., Ito, E., Toki, T., Kogame, K., Takahashi, S., Igarashi, K., Hayashi, N., Yamamoto, M. (1999) Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a new CNC family transcription factor Nrf3. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6443-6452.
転写因子Nrf3の発見。(被引用回数 : 173)
Wang, F., Gao, J.-X., Mimura, J., Kobayashi, A., Sogawa, K., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1998) Structure and expression of the mouse AhR nuclear translocator (mArnt) gene. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 24867-24873.
Takahashi, S., Taketani, S., Akasaka, J., Kobayashi, A., Hayashi, N., Yamamoto, M., Nagai, T. (1998) Differential regulation of mouse coproporphyrinogen oxidase gene expression in erythroid and non-erythroid cell. Blood 92, 3436-3444.
Takahata, S., Sogawa, K., Kobayashi, A., Ema, M., Mimura, J., Ozaki, N. Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1998) Transcriptionally active heterodimer formation of an Arnt-like PAS protein, Arnt3, with HIF-1a, HLF, and Clock. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 248, 789-794.
Kobayashi, A., Numayama-Tsuruta, K., Sogawa, K. and Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1997) CBP/p300 functions as transcriptional coactivator for Ah receptor nuclear translocator (Arnt). J. Biochem. 122, 703-710.
Numayama-Tsuruta, K., Kobayashi, A., Sogawa, K., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1997) A point mutation responsible for defective function of the aryl-hydrocarbon-receptor nuclear translocator in mutant Hepa-1c1c7 cells. Eur. J. Biochem. 246, 486-495.
Kojima, S., Kobayashi, A., Gotoh, O., Ohkuma, Y., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., Sogawa, K. (1997) Transcriptional activation domain of human BTEB2, a GC box-binding factor. J. Biochem. 121, 389-396.
Kobayashi, A., Sogawa, K and Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1996) Cooperative interaction between AhR/Arnt and Sp1 for the drug-inducible expression of CYP1A1 gene. J. Biol. Chem. 271, 12310-12316.
Kikuchi, Y., Sogawa, K., Watanabe, N., Kobayashi, A., and Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1996) Purification and characterization of the DNA-binding domain of BTEB, a GC box-binding transcription factor, expressed in Esherichia coli. J. Biochem. 119, 309-313.
Kobayashi, A., Sogawa, K., Imataka, H., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1995) Analysis of functional domains of a GC box binding protein, BTEB. J. Biochem. 117, 92-95.
Sogawa, K., Nakano, R., Kobayashi, A., Kikuchi, Y., Ohe, N., Matsushita, N., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1995) Possible function of Ah receptor nuclear translocator (Arnt) homodimer in transcriptional regulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 92, 1936-1940.
Imataka, H., Sogawa, K., Yasumoto, K., Kikuchi, Y., Sasano, K., Kobayashi, A., Hayami, M., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y. (1992) Two regulatory proteins that bind to the basic transcription element (BTE), a GC box sequence in the promoter region of the rat P-4501A1 gene. EMBO J. 11, 3663-3671.
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